
Sunday, 9 October 2011

The Representation of Gender and Region in Episode one of Gavin and Stacey

There are many different ways in which gender and region are represented in this episode of Gavin and Stacey. This is represented using things such as sound, music, clothing, set, location, props, colouring and how the camera is used.
In this episode, sound is used to represent girls as kind light hearted people, this is shown when Stacey is laughing as girls are usually portrayed to be giggly people. However men are usually seen as the working sex and the sounds surrounding Gavin are the sounds of an average work place, such as the sound of a printer in the background. Music is used to show gender as girls are seen to be the less harsh sex and so the music used as the camera comes into Stacey is a soft happy kind of music, However men are usualy seen as more boysturious and so the music to which you see Gavin is a louder more rocky kind of music. The clothes the men are wearing are smart work clothes. This is a representation of the fact that men are traditionally the working sex. However, one of the ladies is wearing cooking apron which represents that women supposedly are the sex that does the cooking and cleaning, etc. Also the guy is working in a partition office and the girl in an open office which could represent less female importance. Also the girl is located on the coast which could show that girls like the feeling of freedom more, the guy also living in London could show that guys are less sensitive. Also the fact that in Stacey's office there is a heart on the wall perhaps shows that girls are more in touch with their feelings, this is backed up by the fact that there is nothing on Gavin's wall. Also there is a lot of blue surronding Gavin and a lot of yellow surrounding Stacey which probably represents their gender. I believe that girls are represented in two ways in  this episode using the camera and that is like objects as it looks down on the girls so you can see down their shirts and as lowers in society as again the camera looks down on the women and up on the men.
The region is represented in this episode using sound with seagulls as seagulls is a generally happy or at least not sad sound and welsh people are traditionally seen to be jolly people. Sound is also used with exagerated accents to show the seperate regions. Also a happy tune is used when they are in Wales again showing that Welsh people are happy, whereas a harsher sounding piece of music is used for when the are in London which could represent the grumpier people of London. The regions are also represented through clothing as it may be warmer in Wales and the people are wearing shorter sleaves then the people in England are. The location is used to represent the region as in Wales, they are more renouned for having beaches whereas the main focus of England is London. The region is represented through props as when they are in Wales there is a picture of daffodils on the wall which is the national flower of Wales. Also the rape alarm represents London in a negative way as it shows that the Welsh people are cautious of London. The region is aslo represented using colour as in Wales everything seems to be yellow which is generally seen as a happy colour and Wales is seen to be a happy place. Also the colour of the national flower is yellow. Also, in London most things are blue which is a tired kind of colour which could show the busy, working atmosphere of London. The movement of the camera could also be a representation of region as on Barry Island the camera sweeps across the landscpe which could be representing the freedom and sharing in Wales, however in England there was very little camera movement which could be a representation of the unfriendliness of English people and maybe that in England you own a small portion of land and that is yours and no one elses.
Overall I think that the best way in which gender is represented in this episode is through colour as the colours used make it very clear who the men are and who the women are. I believe that the best way that region is represented in this scene is through the sounds used as you can clearly tell where they are from by their exaggerated accents.

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